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Train For Life Empowerment Campaign Tip 49

Updated: Jul 26, 2021

#TrainForLifeEmpowermentCampaign Post 49: Creativity - Regardless of your age don't lose your capacity to play, to dream and to imagine new possibilities. Doing more of all 3 will have a positive impact on your health and happiness. For example, daydreaming is good for the brain. My favorite 2 Walt Disney quotes on Creativity are: "If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember this whole thing started with a mouse." and "That's the real trouble with the world. Too many people grow up." #StopWorking#StartPlaying Not asking you to live in a fantasy land, just encouraging you to go there every once in a while. Remember most things don't have to be "either or" they can be “both and."

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