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Charlotte Yoga
200 hour yoga

teacher training


January 26-28

February 9-11

February 23-25

March 8-10

March 22-24

April 12-14

April 26-28

May 3-5




CY legacy yoga teachers, Terrie and Suzanne team up to co-facilitate Charlotte Yoga’s 2022 Teacher Training. Together they have over 4 decades of experience and are dedicated to helping you grow on and off your mat.



The Charlotte Yoga 200-Hour Teacher Training is a great way to invest in yourself and your personal development and growth. 



Our holistic approach to Teacher Training is designed to help you strengthen your asana practice, expand your knowledge and understanding of yoga, and integrate yogic principles that align with yours into your life. Whether you are a yoga teacher, an aspiring teacher or a student, this experience will be transformative.



Personal growth requires work, but Suzanne and Terrie believe in experiential learning and are committed to making your teacher training experience empowering and fun. Our training program will not overburden you with heavy reading or busy work. 



What you can expect is to practice plenty of asana, pranayama and meditation so you feel more confident in your own practice and your ability to teach others.

We hope participants leave TT with a mindset of abundance, a full heart, the skills to teach and a desire to make a difference in the world.

Terrie Reeves and Suzanne Bergen

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Holistic formula* and process to guide your practice and teaching style

Comprehensive understanding of the practice of yoga

Greater level of personal awareness and stronger asana practice

Deeper level of personal confidence on and off your mat

Robust set of skills to teach yoga, if desired

New tribe of like-minded people



Terrie and Suzanne have created a Holistic Teaching Method™ that integrates 9 fundamental class elements which are important to the class structure and reflects their teaching philosophy and approach. This teaching method will provide you with a comprehensive teaching framework that will ensure you have the skills and confidence to teach, if desired.

The Holistic Teaching Method™ will be introduced the first weekend and will provide you the perfect framework to kick off your teacher training experience.

Whether your goal is to grow your yoga practice, become a teacher or connect with yourself and others on a deeper level, the Charlotte Yoga 200-Hour Teacher Training will help get you there! If you want to teach, you will walk away from this program with the ability to sequence and powerful yoga class and confidently deliver it to others in an engaging and authentic way.

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Our training is held eight weekends over the course of four months. Participation in all eight weekends is required for graduation. However, make-up work is available should you miss an afternoon, a day or an entire weekend for a planned absence or unforeseen emergency.




Jan 26-28

Feb 9-11

Feb 23-25

March 8-10

March 22-24

April 12-14

April 26-28

May 3-5



Fridays 5:45 PM - 8:45 PM

Saturdays 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Sundays 8:00 AM - 6:45 PM

Each training day will include several short breaks & one long meal break.



The Charlotte Yoga 200-hour teacher training emphasizes teaching early and often with additional requirements to assist in live classes at our studio. Trainees will teach in small groups and with partners throughout training and lead a community class prior to graduation

Topics covered in our curriculum include but are not limited to:

Holistic Teaching Method™

Asana and pranayama

Mindfulness, neuroscience & meditation techniques

Yoga history

The eight-limb path

Yoga sutras


Yoga ethics

The business of yoga

Creating your yoga brand



Personal awareness & emotional intelligence (assessments will be used)

Anatomy & alignment principles

Assisting & adjusting philosophy training

Asana modifications for beginners and/or physical limitations

Classroom observation and hands-on assisting


Deep stretch & relaxation


Class cueing, 

sequencing & music


Voice & classroom presence

Class messaging & theming

Receiving guidance and feedback

Providing guidance and feedback to others

Engaging and empowering students

Mind-body integration techniques

Community project

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Anyone who is looking to deepen their practice and knowledge of yoga. The biggest barrier that many yogis face is the “teaching” part of teacher training. This training is for those of you who want to teach AND those of you who just have a desire to deepen your practice. Yoga teacher training is about personal awareness and development and expanding your knowledge of yoga, so your practice is enhanced and so is your life. Please note: All skill levels are invited to enroll in yoga teacher training, so don’t stress if you don’t have yoga experience.

Terrie and Suzanne are committed to helping you succeed based on what is important to you and will support your growth every step of your yoga teacher training journey.



Our methodology will prepare you to teach CYFlow and CY26 classes. The fundamentals of other styles such as Ashtanga and Restorative Yoga are also covered. You will be provided a CYFlow and CY26 sequence to learn and teach but you will also be empowered to create your own. This training is designed to give you teaching framework, but importantly to help you develop your own unique voice and teaching style.

We are a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School and our curriculum meets the guidelines set forth by Yoga Alliance for 200-hour yoga teacher training. Upon the completion of your training, you can register with Yoga Alliance as a RYT-200. This designation will allow you to seek teaching positions at yoga studios, gyms and other facilities that offer yoga classes. 




You are strongly encouraged to regularly attend yoga classes and to try different teachers. There will be some required reading, so all articles and books will be posted by mid-January. You can best prepare for training by purchasing the required books and getting familiar with them prior to the start of teacher training.

Prior to the start of training you will receive a full onboarding email which will include:

  • Training schedule

  • Misc information to enhance your training experience

  • List of books and articles to read:

    • Untethered Soul​

    • The 4 Agreements

    • Ashtanga Yoga - The Primary Manual






Includes unlimited complimentary yoga during the program.

$500 deposit is non-refundable and due at registration.

This will go towards your tuition balance.

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Training with Terrie and Suzanne was an awe-inspiring, eye-opening, life-affirming program and if I had the option I would do it again without hesitation. 


 Teacher Training has given me a boost of motivation and aspiration and I am so excited to see where the path takes me. My asana practice has grown considerably and I have carried many of the principles learned through exploration of ancient yoga teachings into my daily life and share them with my friends and family.


With the tools I’ve learned over the course of this teacher training I hope to develop an even greater appreciation of myself and the world around me and help others find the same gratitude and peace. The process is never over, it is a mountain without a top, and I intend to continue to peel the onion, push the envelope, and break through the boulders on this journey of life.

Brittany Elgin



  • This was an amazing program that I would recommend to anyone looking to become a Power Yoga teacher certified. 

  • Signing up for teacher training has been one of the most empowering and healing experiences of my life. I’ll be forever grateful to Terrie and Suzanne for creating a challenging yet safe environment that allowed me to grow.

  • The “Kula” (tribe) we created was amazing. Thank you Terrie and Suzanne for creating a safe space for us to learn and grow.  



  • I love the knowledge that both Terrie and Suzanne bring to the table.  It has been so amazing to learn from 2 people that have been in the fitness/yoga world for so long!  I value the mentorship more than you both know.  individual! 

  • I loved the holistic model framework and all the time spent actually teaching and putting it into practice. 

  • I loved Terrie and Suzanne and grateful that I have increased my circle of yogi friends. 


  • I truly have had the most wonderful experience in TT this summer and I honestly can't believe it is coming to an end.  Seeing myself get stronger mentally and physically has been incredible. 

  • I loved the total experience. I am leaving feeling empowered and with great teaching skills to take out to the world.

  • Loved it and would do it again in a heartbeat.

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