I am refining my company’s focus and wanted you to be the first to know. You will begin to see my website and blog transform over the next two months which will more accurately reflect my vision.
Vision: “To transform lives, communities, organizations and the world by encouraging self-study and empowering mindful action.”
The vision, core values, and service offerings will not change. However, the new website will make it easier to access information that may apply to you, and it will better represent my vision and refined company vision. You will also see the integration of the word PAUSE into the new branding. The simple act of pausing and taking inventory is at the foundation of transformation. Without awareness and clarity, it is difficult for individuals, teams and organizations to make intentional changes. All services and intellectual property created will use the act of pausing as a place to start the transformation process. So, next time you see this newsletter you will be invited to “Join the Pause, so you can Work Wisely and Live Abundantly.”
Work Wisely and Live Abundantly, Terrie Reeves Dedicated to helping individuals, groups and organizations thrive.
How can I help? I am always open to having a conversation. treeves@ehamerica.com
Learn how EHA is empowering individuals, leaders, teams, and organizations to THRIVE.