#TrainForLifeEmpowermentCampaign Post 47: HEALING - is the process of getting to the other side of sadness. First stop.... sorrow which can bear down on your heart like a boulder creating a barrier to joy. However, if you keep moving forward... taking small steps, pausing and then taking another, you will begin to feel the weight of the boulder lifting. In time, the boulder will become a rock, the rock will become a stone, the stone will become a pebble and the pebble will become a grain of sand. In time your heart won't feel as heavy and the line between sadness and joy will begin to blur. The healing process helps you realize that to feel sorrow is to have also felt great joy. Losing someone special teaches you the power of love and healing moves you closer to being grateful for the time you had rather than what you lost. The process requires you to pause and make time to feel your way to the other side in order to find peace in a new normal. Healing is a sacred process in which there are no shortcuts.
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