I posted on Facebook yesterday that I was going to share a testimonial from Wand Koch and not to miss the Pearls of Wisdom she was going to share. In quintessential Wanda style, she commented maybe ONE Pearl. I quickly commented back, when you share powerful and meaningful words with intention you don’t have to say a lot.
So how do I introduce Wanda (or known as Wanda June to some of us)? Many of you know her as a yogi and artist but if you are fortunate to get a deeper look you soon find out she is an extraordinary human being with a big heart and big faith, a powerful combination which I believe has served her well in life.
I have known Wanda for her for almost 2 decades and she is one of the most generous, humble and talented woman I have ever meet. If you have had the opportunity to work with her then what I just shared is no surprise. If not, then I am going to brag about her especially because she will not brag on herself. A typical Wanda day starts with yoga and then quickly moves into a day full day of giving her time and energy to others in the form of her passion… photography. I am not just talking pictures, I am talking capturing moments through her lens that turn into master pieces. To level set, I was fortunate to work for Vogue Magazine during its hay day… the time when Anna Wintour ruled. She was such an icon that Hollywood made a movie about her called The Devil Wears Prada. I digress… this experience exposed me to best photographers in the world. Legends that all photographers aspire to emulate… legends such as Irving Penn, Steven Meisel, and Annie Leibovitz. Well, I am here to tell you that Wanda is among their ranks and her talent as a photographer/story teller is a true gift. However, despite her talent she remains humble, not just choosing the position behind the camera, but in life. Again, which is why I feel compelled to put the spotlight on her for a change. Isn’t lifting people up and supporting their life’s work what we are supposed to do? I believe it is one of the greatest gifts we can give each other and it warms my heart to call this amazing soul my friend. So let’s hear that Pearl of Wisdom from the one of a kind, Wanda June…
Wanda’s Pearls of Wisdom. I personally feel the first one is “mic drop” worthy.
The purpose of life is to find your purpose!
Most of us may feel like we must find our purpose earlier in life, but for me it came much later. NEVER give up, keep working towards your goals each day doing something that connects you to your heart’s passion.
You may not know exactly what that is, but one day you will wake up and see all the pieces of the puzzle that have come together simply by staying focused and not listening to the outside world.
Don’t give up on your dreams because it is never too late to see them come into focus. Keep searching for what you are meant to do and when you get there you will know it.
Typical Wanda style, she shares her thoughts in an understated manner, but her pearls of wisdom frame life up nicely. They say, pictures are worth a thousand words, so I am going to let Wand’s photos do the talking. You will know she has found her passion at first glance. You will feel her love for her work in every picture and you will notice that all her image have a story to tell.
“Become awake to who you really are and don’t keep it a secret… share it with the world.” Thank you Wanda for following your dreams and showing use that it is never too late to find what feeds your soul.
I added a few additional peals to finish the necklace.
Many of you may be searching for a purpose and may even feel like time is running out. If this resonates with you on any level, remember it is never too late and don’t stop searching. As simple as it may sound, pause and ask yourself, what feeds my soul? Even if you don’t have the answer, it is a great place to start. In the meantime, remember we are all a work in progress, life is a beautiful roller coaster ride and that the most meaning experiences are felt in the moment. If you have this thing called life figured out and you are living your purpose with passion, I encourage you to mentor someone because everyone needs a little help along the way.
“Be the light that helps someone find the path… then get out of the way so they can discover their purpose and passion.”
Follow or contact Wanda: FB: Wanda Koch Photography IG: Wanda Koch Photography bucknelltwo@yahoo.com
If you enjoyed Wanda’s story, check out what Sarah has to say about health, happiness and purpose. Read her story.
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