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Terrie shares her personal and professional experience through storytelling and information sharing with the goal of encouraging self-study and empowering mindful action. 




Your life experience, the people you spend time with along the way, your genetic wiring, and many other aspects of your life impact who you are. Reflection is a great way to put your life into perspective… so I share my story.

The blog posts below are divided into categories so you can access what interests you most. Many posts provide empowerment tips and information designed to encourage self-study and mindful action. The Mental Health and Wellbeing category contains short articles, the Inspirational Stories features some amazing people, and there are a few categories under construction.

I love having guest bloggers, so reach out to treeves@EHAmerica if you are interested in learning more.

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Our vision is to transform lives, communities, organizations, and the world by encouraging self-study and empowering mindful action.

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